The Reasons I Always Prefer Having a Streaming Device With A Smart TV

The Reasons I Always Prefer Having a Streaming Device With A Smart TV

Entertainment industry began to change significantly after the release of the first generation streaming device, Apple TV, in 2007. Then in the next year 2008, Roku also introduced its first streaming device. Since then, media players have become more accessible and keep getting better with each new version. Now, you might be thinking (especially if … Read more

Samsung TV IR Sensor Location (Replacement Guide))

Samsung TV IR Sensor Location

The location of the IR sensor on a Samsung TV can vary depending on the model. Typically, you’ll find it on the front of the TV, near the logo.   However, some older and newer models may have it in different spots, like the bottom right corner, bottom left corner, or slightly to the left … Read more

How To Fix LG TV Keeps Disconnecting From WiFi (Video Guide)

lg tv keeps disconnecting from wifi fix

Frequent disconnection or drop-off of the WiFi connection isn’t normal. An LG TV can keep disconnecting from WiFi if the TV’s internet location setting is incorrect, the internal WiFi module is malfunctioning/dusty, or if an external connected device is causing interference. Here’s what you have to do to fix the issue: Power cycle the TV. … Read more

LG TV IR Sensor Location: (Replacement Guide)

LG TV IR Sensor Location varies depending on the model. In general, the light sensor on an LG TV is located on the front part of the TV, near the power button or the logo. However, some models may have different locations, such as the bottom right corner, the bottom left corner, or slightly to … Read more

TCL Roku TV Not Turning On (Light is On/No Light)

how to fix tcl roku tv not turning on

If your TCL Roku TV is not turning on, the most likely reason is that the TV isn’t receiving any power. However, if the status light is on or blinking red, there may be an issue with the backlight or the main control board. Sah Romij wrote Homespoiler: “I have had this TCL TV for … Read more

ONN TV Fuse Location: Where To Find?

ONN TV Fuse Location

ONN TVs, like many other electronic devices, typically have fuses as a safety feature to protect the internal components from power surges or other electrical issues. However, the exact location of the fuse can vary depending on the specific model and design of the TV. Look at this image first: Note: The first step in … Read more