5 Common TV Screen Problems and How to Fix Them

Common TV Screen Problems and How to Fix Them

Every month, I usually have to fix about 8 to 15 TVs. Out of these cases, roughly 20% have common screen problems. These include: Backlight not working. Screen goes black, but the sound is fine. Cracked LCD panel. Audio delay, and more. I typically charge $100 to $180 for fixing a TV backlight issue, $300 … Read more

Categories TV

5 Tips For Extending The Lifespan of Your TV Screen

In general, it costs around $200-$1000 to repair a TV screen with the wide span in pricing having to do with local labor costs, replacement parts, and other factors. (As per Angi through Bovbilla) And the number of people searching on Google by the phrase “TV screen repair” every month is fairly strong. This means that … Read more

Categories TV

What is not a Physical Security Measure For Your Home?

what is not a physical security measure for your home

Two types of security measures exist: Physical And Non-physical. Physical security provides tangible or visible barriers to entry, such as locks, fences, or security cameras. On the other hand, Non-physical security measures, don’t provide tangible or visible barriers to entry, but still, improve home security in other ways. In this article, I will discuss everything … Read more

LG TV Blinking On and Off/Flickering (Here’s 100% Fixes)

Recently, one of my readers asked me about an issue with LG TVs blinking on and off/flickering screens. From his message, I realized that his LG TV’s screen is just flickering on and off. Only a little LG cube/logo comes on, comes off, comes on, comes off! Sometimes, when he connects to a movie, a … Read more

Why Onn TV Remote Not Working/Red light? (100% Fixes)

Onn tv remote not working fix

There are many reasons why your Onn TV remote isn’t working such as a temporary system glitch, dead batteries, or software issue. But sometimes, you may encounter a situation where your remote is functioning properly but not working with your specific TV. I mean, it works with other TVs but not with yours. If this … Read more