LG Announces AirPlay Integration for Hotel Room TVs in Upcoming Release

LG Announces AirPlay Integration for Hotel Room TVs in Upcoming Release

Vacations and hotel stays are meant to provide a break from life’s stressors and offer an opportunity to explore new places. However, the in-room entertainment experience often falls short of expectations. Hotel TVs predominantly display ads, lack streaming services, and require additional payment for accessing desired content. Now Apple has stepped forward with an innovative … Read more

FCC Takes a Stand Against Hidden Fees to Bring Transperency in Cable TV

FCC Takes a Stand Against Hidden Fees to Bring Transperency in Cable TV

Hidden fees have plagued cable TV bills for years! These charges, often undisclosed or buried within complex billing structures, have made it challenging for customers to fully comprehend the true cost of their cable subscriptions. But there is some good news! Yesterday, in a filing release, FCC introduced a comprehensive set of proposed rules aimed at dismantling … Read more

Is Cable TV on Its Way Out? People are choosing Internet-Connected TVs and kicking Traditional Cable TV to the Curb

People are choosing Internet-Connected TVs and kicking Traditional Cable TV to the Curb

In recent years, the way we watch TV has changed a lot. Traditional broadcast television is losing ground to the growing dominance of internet-connected televisions and streaming services. A few weeks ago, Leichtman Research Group published a shocking report that reveals just how much internet-connected TVs and streaming services have taken over. In this writing, … Read more

Netflix Testing Live Sports Streaming with Celebrity Golf Event

Netflix Testing Live Sports Streaming with Celebrity Golf Event

For years, Netflix has dominated the streaming world by offering a wide range of on-demand movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original content. And we all know this, right? But now, with the growing popularity and demand for live sports streaming, Netflix is considering expanding its offerings and venturing into the realm of live sports. It … Read more