What is TV Temporary Glitch? (How It Affect The TV)

Have you ever wondered why your TV sometimes stops working suddenly, displays black screen, or some features become unusable? And why does simple power cycling often solve these issues? “The reason behind this is what we call a “Temporary Glitch.” and I think you don’t know much in detail about this.” In this article, I’ll … Read more

What’s The Purpose of TV Mainboard? (How It Works?)

What's The Purpose of TV Mainboard

A smart TV contains about 3 boards inside, and one of them is called the Mainboard. Mainboard is considered the TV’s central brain, and it does a lot of things! By “everything,” I mean everything! It starts when you turn on the TV, show pictures on the screen, handle different inputs, and even turn off … Read more

Power Cycling a TV: Why It’s So Effective in Troubleshooting

why power cycling is the first step while troubleshooting a tv

Since we started Homespoiler.com, I’ve written many articles with lots of helpful guides for fixing issues with different TV brands like LG, Hisense, and TCL. Every time I write a guide, I always suggest starting with “Power Cycling The TV” as the first step. But, I haven’t really explained why it’s the go-to step for … Read more

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