Why Do LED TV Backlight Fail? (2 Ways to Diagnose)

why do led tv backlight fail

Often, when my readers talk to me about problems like seeing a black screen or no picture on their TV, I usually suggest they start by checking the LED backlight. But some of you might not understand why a TV’s LED backlight stops working or what actually causes it. So, what causes LED backlight failure? … Read more

Categories TV

TV Backlight Repair Guide (For Any TV Model)

Repairing a TV backlight isn’t as easy as you might think! In fact, it’s one of the most complicated DIY tasks in a Smart TV that requires a good understanding of electronics and technical expertise. But, if you are already a DIY expert or a novice in the DIY field but are willing to give … Read more

Signs of a Faulty TV Mainboard (5 Easy Tricks)

Suddenly, you fall into several problems. For example: you hit the power button, but the TV remains dormant; your screen displays a surreal tapestry of colors and shapes; or perhaps, the sound from the speakers is strange.   All these issues typically trace back to one culprit: a malfunctioning mainboard. However, In this guide, I’ll … Read more

How to Secure Your TV From Hacking? (5 Tested Ways)

How to Secure Your TV From Hacking

It often sounds like funny when someone says, “A hacker hacked my TV“? Right? But the reality is, just like any other device that can connect to the internet, TVs can be easily targeted by cyber threats. Because more and more people are using smart TVs that can go online and use apps, the chance … Read more

TV Power Button Not Working: (3 Ways To Fix)

If your TV’s power button doesn’t work or doesn’t respond when you press it, it’s likely because of a problem with the button’s board or the mianboad. There are two possibilities: The button board is faulty. The button is jammed with dust or debris. If the board is faulty, you’ll need to change it. But … Read more