Hate the Noise from Your GE Dishwasher? Here’s What to Do

Silence is a source of great strength,” said Lao Tzu.

You might agree with this statement but your dishwasher might not!

Although we all are struggling to achieve a quiet home environment, sometimes noise from our dishwasher can ruin this peaceful atmosphere.

However, you can get rid of this buzzing or grinding sound produced by your GE dishwasher by just doing some simple things.

Here we go! Let’s dive into it.

Note: Don’t worry when the dishwasher makes normal noises like clicking, humming, snapping, or swishing during a wash cycle. As long as the sounds are not excessively loud or accompanied by unusual behavior, they indicate normal operation of the dishwasher.

1. Load the dishwasher correctly

loading the ge dishwasher correctly

Though dishes are unlikely to contribute to creating noise, improper loading can still be considered the culprit.

When you load the dishes improperly, the dishes can rattle against each other during the cleaning cycle and create a clanging or banging noise.

However, the noise level can vary depending on the type of dish and the force of the water jets.

Make sure to load the dishes properly. Put the dishes securely on the bottom rack, and place other utensils on the top rack in a way that they are not touching each other. Avoid overcrowding the dishwasher with too many dishes.

markCurious to know more? Check out our article on mistakes to avoid while loading dishes in the GE dishwasher.

2. Check the chopper blade

cleaning debris or food particles from ge dishwasher's chopper blade

Clogged or blocked chopper blade is known as the father of the culprit for loud grinding noise. Do you know, why?

Grinding the large food particles and making them small is the main function of this part.

But sometimes, with too many large and heavy food particles like popcorn kernels, the chopper blade, and the water drainage system get stuck and start producing loud grinding noise.

The solution? Access the chopper blade unit and then clear any food particles and other visible debris. (Look at the user manual for instructions.)

3. Replace the pump

replacing the ge dishwasher's pump

“You can’t replace the pump’s bearing individually!”

First, let’s try to understand what I meant by this phrase. Typically, all dishwashers, including GE models, have two pumps—a wash pump and a drain pump.

The wash pump is responsible for circulating water throughout the dishwasher during the wash and rinse cycles, while the drain pump is responsible for pumping the dirty water out of the dishwasher at the end of the cycle.

The bearings inside these pumps support the rotor and allow it to turn correctly.

But over time, the bearings start to go bad due to wear and tear.

That being said, when the pump goes bad, your dishwasher will start making loud noise, and the only solution is to replace the entire pump unit.

4. Insulate the dishwasher

insulating the ge dishwasher

As per Insulation.org, Insulating can help reduce noise by 75%.

Typically, dishwasher comes with soundproofing insulation wrapped all around them. But over time, it gets worn out and doesn’t do much to absorb the sound.

If that’s your case, reinstall a new insulation blanket around the dishwasher, and hopefully, the problem will be solved.


Q: Can the age of my GE dishwasher affect the amount of noise it makes?

Yes, the age of your GE dishwasher can affect the amount of noise it makes.

Over time, parts can wear out and become less efficient, leading to louder operations.

If your dishwasher is over 10 years old, it may be time to consider upgrading to a newer, more efficient model.

Q: Should I replace my GE dishwasher if it’s making a lot of noise?

Not necessarily.

If your GE dishwasher is making a lot of noise, it may just need some routine maintenance or minor repairs. Before replacing your dishwasher, try cleaning and replacing any worn-out parts to see if that solves the problem.

Q: How can I reduce vibration noise in my GE dishwasher?

To reduce vibration noise, make sure the dishwasher is level and stable on the floor.

If it’s not, adjust the leveling legs or use a vibration-absorbing pad under the dishwasher. You can also try using a quieter wash cycle and avoid overloading the dishwasher.

Q: Can using too much detergent cause noise in my GE dishwasher?

This is a rare occurrence and not entirely true.

Using too much or the wrong type of detergent can only affect the dishwasher’s cleaning performance, not the components’ performance.

In very rare cases, an excessive amount of detergent can create a lot of suds that interfere with the dishwasher’s operation, causing it to make a loud, gurgling sound.

However, it does not affect the dishwasher’s machinery components.

Q: Can hard water contribute to the noise from my dishwasher?

Yes, hard water can cause mineral buildup in the dishwasher’s components, such as the spray arms and water inlet valve, which might lead to increased noise.

Regularly cleaning the dishwasher and using water softeners can help mitigate this issue.

Q: Why did the noise suddenly increase in my previously quiet dishwasher?

Sudden increases in noise might be due to a malfunctioning component, a foreign object stuck in the pump or spray arm, or an unbalanced load causing vibrations.

Inspect the dishwasher to identify the source of the issue.

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