Youtube TV appreciated users’ feedback and just brought an exciting announcement!
Based on the user’s complaint about the NFL Sunday Ticket, YouTube TV has now removed those pesky streaming limits! This means you can now enjoy unlimited streams within the comfort of your own home.
A few hours ago, in a recent Reddit post, YouTube TV confirmed this thrilling news, saying, “Update: No more streaming limits in your home for NFL Sunday Ticket subscribers!”
However, YouTube TV understands that life isn’t always about staying at home. That’s why they’ve also thrown in an additional treat. Even when you’re on the go, you and your household can access two extra streams.
The response from the Reddit community has been overwhelmingly positive.
One thrilled user, u/UKFan643, couldn’t contain their excitement and exclaimed, “Instant buy, and you’ve probably made me a YTTV subscriber for life. I was just considering canceling and going with Philo because of that restriction. Thank you for listening!”
Now it’s clear, YouTube TV’s decision has not only won them a dedicated subscriber but also prevented a potential switch to a competitor.
Of course, a few questions naturally arose in the thread.
User u/matthewkeys inquired about how YouTube TV determines a subscriber’s “home” for unlimited streaming. In a prompt response, YouTube TV clarified,
“We look at signals like your network and/or your specified home location to determine ‘home’. You’ll get unlimited streams while watching on your home network, and 2 streams outside your home for you and your household.”
YouTube TV expressed its heartfelt appreciation for the invaluable feedback received from its subscribers.
They said, “Our goal is to make sure that we’re delivering the best NFL Sunday Ticket experience for our subscribers and we are committed to making it happen.”

Abdur Rahman is a seasoned journalist who covers all things related to TV and streaming. As of May 2, 2023, Abdur is writing for More about him