Streaming industry is booming, but not everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.
Sony, one of the few big entertainment companies that held back from creating its own platform, is reaping the benefits of being platform-agnostic.
Ravi Ahuja, the chairman of Sony Pictures’ Global Television Studios, explains why Sony’s streaming strategy is different from other players and how it gives them an edge in the TV market.
He previously worked at Disney and Fox, where he “saw firsthand the complexity of operating in that kind of environment.” He joined Sony in 2021, attracted by its “very focused mission: make great shows, find the right home.”
He said that Sony’s approach is,
“Not overly complicated by trying to satisfy platform demands, trying to balance different things.”
In a talk at Content London reported by Variety today, Ahuja shared his take on the streaming industry.
As things cool down, there’s a chance to bring efficiency in so viewers still get great shows, and streaming services manage their resources better.
Ahuja predicts the future of streaming involves more consolidation and simplification. He doesn’t believe people will subscribe to individual platforms.
Instead, they’ll go for bundles from big tech platforms like YouTube, Apple, or Google. This will create a single interface for the viewers and simplify the streaming experience.
So how does Sony fit into this picture?
Sony’s advantage is that it can work with any platform, without any conflict of interest or favoritism.
This means they can concentrate on making great content that appeals to different people and genres, and then figure out the best place to showcase it.
Ahuja mentioned that Sony’s strategy for streaming is paying off. They’ve seen growth in revenue and profitability.
Actually, Sony isn’t afraid of competition; in fact, they welcome it because it creates more demand and opportunities for their content. It is confident that it can deliver fantastic shows that connect with viewers, no matter where they’re watching.
While Sony’s streaming strategy may seem unusual, it has proven to be effective and lasting. By not being tied to a specific platform, Sony can focus on what it does best: creating outstanding shows. And by finding the right platform for its shows, Sony can reach a broader and more diverse audience.
Sony doesn’t rely on a streaming service to succeed in the TV industry; it simply continues to excel at what it does best—making top-notch content.

Abdur Rahman is a seasoned journalist who covers all things related to TV and streaming. As of May 2, 2023, Abdur is writing for More about him