Sony TV Remote Not Working? (DIY Repair Tricks)

Sony tv remote not working fix

If your Sony TV remote isn’t working, it means the batteries are damaged, infrared sensor is dusty, or the signal is getting blocked by obstructions. This is the general rule of thumb, but there are more… Sometimes, the problem might not lie with the remote control; it’s actually the TV that’s to blame. I mean, … Read more

Sony TV No Signal Check The External Input (100% Fixes)

sony tv no signal issue fix

When you get ‘No Signal check the external input’ message on your Sony TV, you might be wondering what it could be and what’s causing this! Right? I was also a bit confused when Raju mailed me with this problem. Raju wrote Homespoiler, “We are dealing with a strange issue with our Sony TV. It … Read more

Sony TV Sound Not Working/No sound? (Easy Fixes)

sony tv sound issue fix

There are many reasons why your Sony TV’s sound is not working. Common issues include a temporary system glitch, incorrect sound settings, or problems with the TV’s firmware. Aside from these, loose audio cables or damaged internal sound processing unit/mainboard can also be responsible. Harry wrote Homespoiler: “I’ve had this Sony smart TV for a … Read more

Sony TV Turns On By Itself? (SOLVED: 100% Working)

troubleshooting a sony tv that keeps rebooting itself

If your Sony TV turns on by itself, it means the firmware is corrupted or the TV’s power board is faulty. Most of the time, one of these two is the main culprit. John emailed Homespoiler, “Don’t know what’s the issue. My sony TV turns on by itself in the middle of the night. Sometime … Read more

Sony TV no Picture/Black screen—(Fix in Minutes)

No picture or a completely black screen, while overwhelming, is quite common in Sony TVs, especially in older models. This doesn’t mean that new model users don’t face this issue; they do, but it’s rare. If your Sony TV has no picture (only showing a black screen), it could be due to a temporary system … Read more

Sony TV Won’t Turn on? (Do These 5 Things)

troubleshooting sony tv if it's not turning on

If your Sony TV won’t turn on, the most likely reasons are the power cable and malfunctioning remote control. These two are the typical reasons. However, Sony TV will also stop working and flash the red light six times if the TV encounters a system glitch, power board is faulty, or the sensor it uses … Read more