How to Turn OFF Simplink on LG TV (For All Models)

How to Turn OFF Simplink on LG TV

If you have an LG TV and a device connected to it using HDMI, you might be using Simplink to control both with just one remote. But I guess you’ve faced problems like: Remote control conflicts. Annoying pop-ups. Or compatibility issues. And that’s why you want to know how to turn off Simplink on your … Read more

Simplink “Please Try Again” Error on LG TV (Not Working)

Simplink Please Try Again error on lg tv

If Simplink keeps displaying the message ‘Please Try Again’ or if Simplink is not working properly, it indicates that the HDMI connection on your TV is experiencing some issues. Either the TV is unable to establish a proper connection with the external device through the HDMI cable, or there might be compatibility issues between the … Read more

What Is LG Trumotion – (Everything You Need to Know)

everything about lg trumotion

If you own or plan to buy an LG TV, you may have heard of a feature called TruMotion. This feature is designed to enhance the motion quality and clarity of the TV’s picture, especially for fast-moving scenes and content. That’s all we know! But what exactly is TruMotion, how does it work, should you … Read more

How To Remove LG Channels App From LG TV

How To Remove LG Channels App From LG TV

“LG Channels” is a free app that comes pre-installed on many LG smart TVs. It allows you to watch over 150+ live and on-demand channels from various genres and categories, such as news, sports, entertainment, music, and is powered by Xumo, a streaming service that offers free content from various partners and providers. However, not … Read more

TCL TV Reset Button Location: (No Reset Button?)

tcl roku tv reset button location

All TV brands have a power and reset button somewhere on the TV, usually located at the bottom or back. This includes TCL TVs as well. However, there may be instances when you struggle to locate it or realize that your specific model doesn’t have this button. So, if you can’t find the reset button, … Read more

How To Turn on TCL TV Without Remote (Simple Trick)

ways to turn on tcl roku tv without remote

To turn on your TCL TV without a remote, just press the power button on the TV itself. If you can’t locate the power button, don’t worry. There are other options you can try. You can even use a phone with an IR blaster or a remote app. However, here’s how: Find the power button … Read more