Does TV Get Affected by Lightning?

Does TV Get Affected by Lightning

Yes, lightning can damage TVs. When lightning strikes near a TV, it causes a surge or spike in the power line, the phone line, the cable line, or the antenna that is connected to your TV. This results in overloading, overheating, short-circuiting, or burning of the electronic components inside the TV. Some of the common … Read more

Categories TV

How Do Smart TVs Work? (Features and Functionality)

How Do Smart TVs Work

As per a report from Statista, there are 123.8 million households in the United States with a TV for the 2022-2023 TV season. That’s absolutely a lot! But among them, around 30% of users don’t know exactly how a smart TV works! Maybe you’re one of them too! (Of course, It doesn’t matter) However, it’s … Read more

Categories TV

Sony TV Turns On By Itself? (SOLVED: 100% Working)

troubleshooting a sony tv that keeps rebooting itself

If your Sony TV turns on by itself, it means the firmware is corrupted or the TV’s power board is faulty. Most of the time, one of these two is the main culprit. John emailed Homespoiler, “Don’t know what’s the issue. My sony TV turns on by itself in the middle of the night. Sometime … Read more

TV Screen History: From CRT to Flat Screen Panels

The first TV screen was invented in 1924 by John Logie Baird, a Scottish engineer. It was based on a mechanical system that used a spinning disk with holes to scan an image and project it onto a screen. However the Picture quality was very poor and flickering, and the screen size was very small. … Read more

Acer Monitor not Turning on? (100% Fixes)

Acer monitor not turning on

If your Acer monitor isn’t turning on, or the screen is black but the blue indicator light is on, it means the power connection supply is faulty or the display input has an issue. Aside from this, problems with the monitor’s hardware or internal drivers may also be responsible. Look at this table: Reason for … Read more